Happy Independence Day?

Dear Indian

Namaste. How are you?

I hope this day just won’t remind you of hosting a plastic flag on your desks or rooftops, it’s not just about forwarding the copied ‘Freedom’ messages, it’s not just about posting ‘saffron, white, or green’ colors showcasing your patriotism.

It majorly comes to remind you that you were slaves, in the hands of those who came in your territories, stole your identity and damaged the peace resulting in the partition with your own people.

It’s a reminder for you to realize your worth and take a stand for it instead of working for the outsiders in their MNCs helping them grow. It’s a time you must learn that you have the power to stand beside them instead of working under them. What is the use of that education when you can’t use it for your country’s growth? We need to cultivate an actual Indian in ourself, just similar to the ones who took birth in Motherland India, gained the vast knowledge from gurus, and invested their entire life working for its growth. What is the use of that soldier who protects you & our land at the border when eventually you are not working for him or your land?

It’s a day for you to actually remember the sacrifices made by your own ancestors to give you a dignified life.

People, it’s not just about Celebrating Independence day – a day of freedom, but more about welcoming a real Indian, a person who takes pride in its incredible culture, religion, uncountable dishes from across the nation and much more.

While traveling by bus the other day, I was wondering about the mindset that people have developed nowadays where no one even bothers to spare a seat for anyone? Is this the same country where thousands of people sacrificed their lives for us 71 years back?

That was the time when our ancestors struggled for the freedom from people who exploited us and our culture now it’s the time we must stand up for the freedom of stereotype thinking, freedom to pursue our dreams, freedom to wear whatever we want and to become a voice. Let’s become independent and embrace a better person with realistic thoughts.
May you celebrate it in a practical sense.

Happy Independence Day! 🇮🇳

– Damini


One thought on “Happy Independence Day?

  1. You said it. Necessary amendments must be made in the constitution to safeguard the rights of senior citizens and children. Ours is a country where the constitution is supreme. Military service must be made mandatory. The government must subsidize the education and healthcare of children and students must channelize their energy towards the upliftment of the downtrodden.

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